Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Why Information on Gout Is Vital

Being informed about gout is essential if you want to prevent gout attacks and avoid developing other health conditions.  With this in mind, the following information has been designed to help you on your gout discovery path, and will provide you with the questions you need to explore so you can become an expert on gout.

What is the cause of gout? - In order to understand what causes any health condition or disease, you need to learn what the condition is, and how/why the condition can occur.  In the case of gout understanding that it is a form of arthritis that occurs when there is excess levels of uric acid is in the body is very beneficial. It enables you to learn what uric acid is, why the body produces it, how it can become excessive, and the steps to take to reduce the levels of uric acid in your body.

Can gout attack different areas of the body? - The most common information on gout will tell you that gout generally occurs in the joint of the big toe.  While this is true, the big toe is only one of the many regions of the body that can be affected by gout.  Gout can also occur in the joints of the elbow, wrist, hand, knee, ankle and foot.  Knowing where gout can strike, and the reasons why it may occur in other joints may help you better understand your specific condition.

What are all the symptoms of gout? - Gout has many characteristic symptoms including sudden severe pain, inflammation, redness and swelling of the affected joint.  Knowing what warning signs to watch for may help prepare you so you can act quickly with treatment if you experience a recurrent attack.

What can make gout worse? - Gout, like other ailments, can be made worse through food choices (I.E. foods high in purines such as organ meats and shellfish) lifestyle choices (I.E. smoking, limited exercise, being overweight or obese), and medications (I.E. diuretics).  It is imperative you find out what can increase your risk of a gout attack, because the more frequent your attacks, the more chronic your condition and the more complications can occur.

What can make gout better? - Learning treatment information on gout helps you to both treat present attacks and prevent future ones.  Improving gout begins with avoiding the factors that make it worse.  It also consists of eating a balanced healthy diet, drinking plenty of water, exercising, maintaining a healthy body weight, and in some cases, taking medications such as NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - I.E. aspirin) or prescription drugs.  Keeping the affected joints protected and well cared for can also make a difference.  The more you know on how to improve your condition the more control you will have over gout.

What are the complications of gout?  If gout is left untreated it can progress into a more aggressive condition and become recurrent.  It can also cause tophi, nodules that form under the skin from urate crystal deposits.  In some people, gout can even lead to the formation of kidney stones.  Knowing how severe gout can be if left untreated may help you take your condition and treatment more seriously.

What precautions should I take? When researching information on gout you need to keep an open mind about the information you read.  In other words, don't believe everything you read, and don't make the mistake of self-diagnosing yourself!

Where can you obtain gout information?

- Your health care provider

- Health books on gout in your local library or bookstore

- Free online resources

- Cure Gout Now

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